Great video game music
Reminds me of F-Zero. I love it. :]
Great video game music
Reminds me of F-Zero. I love it. :]
Thanks for the review! I never considered the F-Zero similarities before, but you might just be right. Maybe I should look into doing tracks for racing games now, that'd probably work nicely.
Sounds great
I like the transition at 0:23 and the bells. Overall, this piece gives me the feeling of a Mexican army approaching like in the battle of the Alamo. The swell of the trumpets is nice too. It really builds up the tension before the strikes. Loops well too. My only criticism is the title. It doesn't sound very silent to me. :P
I might change the name...i couldn't think of anything good. Any Suggestions?
Sounds alright
The drums could use some work. They sound really weak and a little boring. Also, you should get rid of that humming noise. Just keep working on it some more.
im no drummer lol, thts just me using th cp keyboard with garageband so ya ther boring and weak. but wat do u mean by the humming?
Very eerie
I love the way the intro slowly crescendos starting from an almost organ-like sound. It's very fluid and the see-saw between an almost cheerful tune and an eerily somber melody is great. Excellent piece.
Thanks, glad you liked it and I'm glad you reviewed this. I tried to add a little cheerfulness to this, cause I thought a graveyard is not all gloom, it can bring out good memories and stuff like that.
I'm running out of things to write in this box :\
The bass drum sounds very standard. I'm assuming it's one of the default ones in FL? The drums too. Maybe I'm just spoiled :P. Anyway, it's a good start. The lead synth was a little overpowering over the drums. I almost can't hear the claps. A snare hit along the with the clap might help it cut through mix better. This has the potential to be something really good. I voted a 4.
thanks man! I think about those things in the future!
Good composition
The clavi sounds a little too robotic. Try adjusting the dynamics of the hits. Also, a little reverb might help it sound less harsh. The instruments sound very synthesized. If you want some decent free instruments try looking for soundfonts. FL Studio comes with a soundfont player, so all you have to do is load it into a channel. Good job! :]
Uh, i'm going to sound like a noob here, but what does "adjusting the dynamics of the hits" mean?
Pm me please!
Thanks for the help.
I bumped you up
Since you had no rating (and your piece was 6 days old). Hopefully you'll get a fair judgement now. :]
thanks to both of you for the help, ive been trying to get my music noticed and get some opinions on it
I'm running out of stuff to write in summaries
I really like the orchestral parts. The drums seem a little out of place though. (It's mostly just the hihat since it sticks out so much.) I personally would use more orchestral-sounding drums than a regular acoustic kit. What VSTi/Sampler are you using for the orchestral instruments?
I'm using Edirol. on FL studios 7
Very good but
You should turn down the master volume so that it doesn't clip and make that awful hissing noise. Also, you could try turning down the velocity of the notes. The part at 1:37 seemed a little loud. Dynamics are always helpful :]. For a first orchestral piece this is really good. Keep up the good work!
thanks. ill take your words into consideration
Age 32, Male
Joined on 5/1/05